of the 1929-1973
Conservatory of Music
Alumni Newsletter
Volume I No. 4 Sept.
9, 1999
August 15, 1999
The First Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association was held at Symphony House in Bangor, Maine. The business meeting was followed by a tour of the building and admittance to many of the rooms. The recital hall was unavailable to be viewed because it is rented out to a separate entity, but all other rooms were open for nostalgic recollections. A brass quartet made up of Bruce Brown, Lou Harper, Steve Hudson, and Glenn Correll played a few numbers, much to the enjoyment of all. Channel VII news camera was on hand to cover the reunion and showed clips on the 11:00 news of the brass quartet and an interview with Louie Harper speaking about the purpose of the reunion and the former Conservatory.
President Everett Simpson opened the business meeting at 2:30 P.M. He reviewed notes of the last meeting held during All-State. He reported there were now 30 members in our Alumni Association and the Treasury has a balance of about $300.00. (The membership year runs from Jan. 1 - Dec. 31.)
New Business: Election of new officers for the ensuing year.
The slate of officers was voted to remain the same: President/Treasurer: Everett Simpson. Vice-President: Bruce Brown. Secretary: Bea Milewski. The votes were unanimous with the exception of President where there was one vote opposing Everett continuing as president. (Everett!)
The next order of business was to set up a board of directors: The board volunteered/elected/prodded includes Stan Buchanan, Arnold Poland, Lou Harper, Art Lagasse, and Everett Simpson.
The need for by-laws which need to specify such things as meeting times, etc. was discussed. It was decided to have two meetings a year. One will be held on the Friday of All-State. All-State will be in Rumford in May of 2000. The meeting will be held from 12-1 P.M. so as not to conflict with other meetings going on. The second meeting will be held from 2-4 P.M. on the third Sunday in August at Symphony House on Union St. in Bangor.
It was suggested to contact Ralph Vose for information and possibility of a Web site.
Scholarships were discussed and the need for funds. Ideas were tossed around and at present the hope is that some money from donations will come in to benefit the fund.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bea Farmer Milewski, Sec.
For those of you who were there, it was really good to see you, and for those of you who missed it, you missed a very warm and successful gathering. It was good to share old and new thoughts, and catch up with so many old friends. Mark your calendars NOW for next year and make every effort to come. You won't be disappointed!!!