
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973

Northern Conservatory of Music


Vol.  4  Number 1                      Newsletter                                April, 2002


Greetings to all:

Just a few short notes from me and then a letter from our president, Lou Harper.


The lifetime membership drive was a partial success.  While not all 86 members signed up for the lifetime membership option, many did.  Here are the numbers.


86        NCM Alumni with valid addresses (everyone on this list could/should be a paying member)


33        Paid Members for the calendar year 2001


11        Paid Members for the calendar year 2002

14        Paid Life Members


25        Life & 2002 paid members

So what happened to the rest of you?  Let’s get that money in so that we can report that to the group in August.  The sooner we get the funds the sooner we can start the scholarship.


There will be a 1 hour meeting of the Alumni Association on Friday May 24, 2002 during the annual All-State Music Festival which is being held at the University of Maine in Orono.  The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m.  Check your All-State booklet for room assignment.  Hope to see you there.





If you are receiving this by snail-mail and expected it by e-mail, then the e-mail that I sent to you got returned and I am now resorting to paper and postage.


Anyone who can supply me an e-mail address will save the Association the cost of postage and me valuable time.     Please send me your e-mail address.



Dear Alumni and friends of Northern Conservatory of Music:                                                 April 2002



                  As we approach 30 years since the Conservatory closed, we look ahead as we look back.  That sentence sounds like a few sermons that I have preached.  Let’s try that again.

                  Since we are all too old to do anything else, and we have raised all the deviltry that our old decrepit bodies can stand, we have little else that we can do than to reminisce and offer words of encouragement to the next generations.

                  On Saturday, August 17, at 3:00 p.m. at Symphony House, now called the Isaac Farrar Mansion, many of us will gather to do the business of the Alumni Association of the 1929-1973 Northern Conservatory of Music and reflect on the past 30 years.

                  I sincerely hope that you will join me there.  I mentioned last year, and led by example a couple of times in revitalizing the original Northern Conservatory Brass Quintet, circa 1968-1972, about a musical experience.  I hope that some of you will realize that, as graduates, remembering that we could “all be selling shoes” if we had not passed Solfeggio class, (I am not even sure that this is the correct spelling since I tried so hard to forget that root-canal-like experience).  I hope you will consider bringing horns, music, and voices and organizing (yes, we are teachers), an impromptu musical experience.


But before we do that, at our Annual Meeting, I am writing to you reminding you of the May meeting at All-State.  It is unlikely that I will be there, so in my absence, our trusted vice-president, Bruce Brown, will chair the meeting, at the University of Maine


















Membership Application 2002 Calendar Year


NAME ____________________________________­­­­      TEL _____________­­­­­­­___

Mailing Address _____________________Town _____________St. ___ Zip ________

E-mail Address _________________________________


Annual Dues                                                   $  20

Lifetime Dues                                                  $200

Dues Enclosed ____________________________________

Contribution to Scholarship Fund _____________________

                              Total Enclosed _____________________


Make check payable to: 

Alumni Association of the 1929-1973 Northern Conservatory of Music

Please send your check with this application form to:

                                                                                    Everett Simpson

                                                                                    88 Pleasant Vale Road

                                                                                    Corinna, Maine  04928