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ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973

Northern Conservatory of Music


Vol.  5  Number 2                      Newsletter                                July, 2003



Friday May 16, 2003

Gorham Campus of USM
 Gorham, Maine

Alumni in Attendance:
The fifth spring session of the Alumni Association was held at Bailey Hall on the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine.  There were 7 members  in attendance:

Everett Simpson, Bruce Brown, Frank Walker, Arnold Poland, Steve Orlofsky, Roger Whitney and Doretta York


Standing in for President Louis Harper who could not attend was Vice President Bruce Brown, who called the meeting to order at around 5:10 P.M.


Frank brought a copy of the NCM farewell performance album that was recorded at Peakes Auditorium at Bangor High School in the spring of 1972.   Lots of memories. 


There was a discussion of Music Education in various schools around the state and how it has changed.


TreasurerÕs Report:

Treasurer Everett Simpson presented the TreasurerÕs Report and Member Count as follows:


Currently we have 2 Certificate of Deposits

            The 9 month CD comes due in October this year with a value of   $  1700.00

            The 1 year CD comes due in November this year with a value of      2300.00

            For a CD total of ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ 4000.00

Checking  balance            ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ   438.23

Grand Total                    ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ.ÉÉ.  $4438.23


Everett discussed combining CDÕs into one at the end of their term.

Frank asked for yields on CDÕs which currently are 1.45% & 2.60 %.

Arnie suggested 2 year alternating CDÕs so that they would come due in opposite years.


There was other discussion on investment of our funds including a stock market and other investment options.  To really build the fund we need to get to the place where donations become tax exempt.  Then we can start a campaign for gift donations which should increase our funds much more quickly.  In order to get to that point we have to finish filling out the legal paperwork.


Membership count:

For the year 2002 we had 41 members

16 lifetime members

            1 lifetime member 70% paid

            1 lifetime member 50%

23 members chose the annual option for 2002


So far for the year 2003 we have 16 lifetime members

            1 lifetime member 50% paid

            the previous yearÕs 70% paid member is now deceased

7 members have renewed their annual dues

Total 24 members for this year


By-law changes review:

We need to vote on update to the by-laws at the annual meeting in August.  That means that we will need to notify all of you in this newsletter of our intentions to vote on these changes in the August meeting in order to qualify for 10 day rule before the meeting.


These are the proposed voting issues:

- Changes to annual dues 2001 & 2002 life member changes which were the voting results from the Fall 2002 ballot.  Membership dues changed from $100 lifetime membership to $200 lifetime membership.


- Changes to the term limits of the Board of Directors which were the voting results from the Fall 2002 ballot.  Previously our directors served a one-year term.  The vote on the ballot was to stagger their terms for the fall 2002 election and then elect them in the following years for 3 year terms each.


Review of April 2003 Board of DirectorÕs Meeting:

There was a discussion about stipend vs. scholarship.  Roger suggested a scholarship to All-state.  It seems that some schools require the kids to pay their own way to All-state.  It was suggested that we have a Maine Music Camp scholarship. 


It was discussed how to administer the fund after we are no longer around.  Again reflecting back to the BOD meeting in April where it was suggested that we let the Maine Community Foundation or the Maine Music EducatorÕs Association handle it.


Roger said he would like to dispense a scholarship this year so that we could make our presence known and possibly stir up some interest in our group.  This was also discussed at BOD meeting in April.


Frank suggested that we extend our membership to others beyond those that attended NCM such as interested family members, etc.  Bruce said he did not think the incentive would be there to carry on the group which was the general consensus of those in attendance.


The New List Serve hosted by The University of Maine:

We now are the proud owners of a list serve where we can generally converse and discusses past, present and the future of the group.  It has generally been a hit with those that are now using it.  Usage is easy, just post an email to and everyone on the list receives a copy of it.  This will make Newsletter distribution much easier and will facilitate the answers to the paperwork that the group must complete before we finalize our Scholarship program.  The cost of the list serve is $5.00 a month and the decision on how to pay for it is yet to be decided.  Everett suggested that perhaps there are some donors out there that would be willing to foot the $60 a year cost. 


The Annual August meeting of the Alumni Association will be at Miller's Restaurant, Main Street,  Bangor     

Saturday August 16, 2003 - The business meeting will begin at 3:00. 


The meeting this year is important because we will be voting on the recommendations of the Board of Directors for the groupÕs Mission Statement and Scholarship / Stipend design and the election of officers.  After the business meeting we can remain at MillerÕs for socialization and nourishment.











Membership Application 2003 Calendar Year


NAME:____________________________________­­­­_______ TEL:________­­­­­­­_____________


Mailing Address:____________________________Town:_____________St.___ Zip_________


Annual Dues                                         $  20

Lifetime Dues                                      $200


Dues Enclosed:____________________________________


Contribution to Scholarship Fund _____________________


                              Total Enclosed _____________________


Make check payable to: 

Alumni Association of the 1929-1973 Northern Conservatory of Music

Please send your check with this application form to:

                                                                                    Everett Simpson

                                                                                    88 Pleasant Vale Road

                                                                                    Corinna, Maine  04928