
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973

Northern Conservatory of Music


Vol.  6  Number 2                      Newsletter                                July, 2004



Saturday May 22, 2004

University of Maine
 Orono, Maine

Alumni in Attendance:
The sixth spring session of the Alumni Association was held on the Orono campus of the University of Maine.  There were 8 members in attendance:

Everett Simpson, Arnold Poland, Roger Whitney, Dawn and Henry Noonan, Carolyn Edgecomb, Robert Helstrom and Doretta York


Standing in for President Louis Harper who could not attend was Treasurer Everett Simpson, who called the meeting to order around 10:15 a.m.


TreasurerÕs Report:

Treasurer Everett Simpson presented a short TreasurerÕs Report and Membership Count as follows:


Currently we have 1 Certificate of Deposit

            The 9 month CD came due in October last year with a value of     $  2000.00

            The 1 year CD came due in November last year with a value of        2407.02

            Combined CDÕs into 16 month CD in Nov. 2003  ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ 4407.02

Checking  balance            ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ   260.64

Grand Total                    ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ.ÉÉ. $4667.66


Membership count 5/22/04:

  18 lifetime members

    1 annual member renewals

Total Membership 7/06/04: 19 Members


Membership count 7/06/04:   (including renewals received after May meeting)

  19 lifetime members                            

    6 Annual membership renewals

Total Membership 7/06/04: 25 Members


Everett discussed the Internal Revenue Service Application for 501 (c)(3) for Nonprofit Status.  He has pretty much put the finishing touches on this prolific document and has mailed copies of all the documents to each of the officers for their review before he sends it off.


There was more discussion concerning the ÒwhenÓ and ÒhowÓ to disburse the 1st scholarship.  During one of the directorÕs meetings, it was suggested that the first distribution be this year.  It was suggested that the money for that first distribution be by donation rather than taking the money from our savings.  That way we could get the scholarship off the ground this year with as little impact to the funds principle. 


As with most spring meetings there was less business and more reminiscing. 

Henry Noonan is scheduled to retire this year from teaching.

Mike McClure & Jackie Martin have retired.

Bob Thorne & Dean Fernald are both in Florida playing music (though not necessarily together). 

Dave Saucier played on Friday night during the festivities for the All State Music Conference.  Everyone was elated to get to see Dave play again.

Marlene Hall is still going strong in Rockland.

Jeff Gagner is still in Woodland area.

Casey White is a Holistic Healer in the Patten area.

Jim Brown is teaching music in Augusta School System.

Walter Babbage passed away this year.


The Annual August meeting of the Alumni Association will be at Miller's Restaurant, Main Street,  Bangor     

Saturday August 21, 2004 - The business meeting will begin at 3:00. 


After the business meeting we can remain at MillerÕs for socialization and nourishment.