ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973
Northern Conservatory of Music
Vol. 7 Number 1
March 2005
Saturday August 21, 2004
MillerÕs Restaurant
Bangor, Maine
Alumni in Attendance:
The seventh summer meeting of the
Alumni Association was held at MillerÕs Restaurant with 16 members present.
President Lou Harper called
meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
SecretaryÕs Report:
Doretta York read the
secretaryÕs report Š it was accepted by the members.
TreasurerÕs Report:
Everett Simpson delivered his
report as follows.
Our 16 month CD is due
3/21/2005 $4407.02 at Skowhegan Savings Bank
Checking account balance
in $80 today for a balance of $509.16
Membership dues received this
year $200 in annual memberships, $200 in life memberships and $90 in donations.
Expected office expenses $50,
list serve annual cost $60, Maine annual report $20.
The TreasurerÕs Report was
accepted by the members.
Everett requested reimbursement
of $14.45 for mailing postage for reports. A motion was made, moved and seconded to accept payment to
Everett for his postage expenses.
Elect of Officers:
Directors terms expiring in
2004: Arnie Poland and Lou Harper
Other office requiring
Š Current Lou Harper
Š Current Bruce Brown
Š Current Everett Simpson
Š Current Doretta York
Bea Milewski moved that all
officers be re-elected into their previous offices.
This was seconded and voted
All officers will remain the
Lou HarperÕs term as Director
will end in 2007
Arnie PolandÕs term as
Director will end in 2007
Membership Report:
19 Life Members
6 Annual Members
25 Members reported at August
8 Additional Members
33 Total Members for 2004
Total Members for 2003 were
Total Members for 2002 were 42
Membership report moved and
Nonprofit Application
Update as of August 2004:
The application is in the
works. Currently it is at the state
Everett is still doing paper
work and tells us that the Federal form is all set and ready to go. All the work we did last year for the
fed form triggered what we needed to say on the state form to amendments.
Exhibit 1 cleans up the name
of the organization, changing the ending date to 1973 from 1972 and changes in Dues
to $20 from $10.
Exhibit 2 reclarifies the scholarship
distribution details.
Everett says he expects the
state form to be mailed in September.
Discussion was opened
up for general topics:
Letter to Donors
Doretta addresses group: We all know people that can afford and
might be willing to donate to our cause.
Once we obtain tax free status, we have a good chance of building our
scholarship fund. She suggests
that we draft a fund raising letter addressing our cause and our commitment as
an organization to keep confidential important information such as donorÕs
addresses and phone numbers. Many
people are not willing to donate to some organizations because it generates
lists that get sold to organizations that use them to solicit money.
This letter could be
distributed to our membership who would then personalize it and send it out to
people we would hope to donate.
It was moved and seconded
that the Board of DirectorÕs would draft this letter as a collaborative venture
through the use of email. Once
they have finished the draft, they will email all of us for final approval of
the group.
First Scholarship
Bea asked if we had decided
on how much our first scholarship would be?
The board had talked about $250.
Arnie thinks we should wait
until after our current application (State & Fed) is complete.
It was agreed that we could
probably come up with the first scholarship distribution without taking the
money out of our current savings.
It was suggested that if
anyone wants to send a donor designated gift, can give that give with the
designation to use it for the first scholarship only.
Jim Shepard asked about
fiduciary and thinks we need to get our ducks in a row.
Everett said he would look
into that now.
Annual Meeting 2005:
Lou has talked to the people
who rent the Isaac Farrar Mansion.
They said a year in advance is
not soon enough to reserve a date for our meeting.
The Mansion is currently
renting more than a year out.
He said the price has also
gone up; it used to be $25 and is now $50.
Henry thinks more people will
come if we have it at IFM.
Lou will call IFM to see what
year it will be available when we want it.
We discussed the next annual meeting
time and place.
It was decided that a morning
meeting was better, so 10:00 a.m. was decided upon.
It was also suggested that a
meeting earlier in the month would be better for most of those that attended
this yearÕs meeting. We are aware
that no matter when we have the meeting it will be inconvenient for some.
Next meeting - Sat Aug 13,
2005 10:00 a.m., Place to be announced.
The May meeting is at the ŅAll
State Music FestivalÓ as usual.
This year it is being held in Southern Maine.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:02
Final Notes:
501 (c) 3 was approved by the
IRS 2/18/2005 Š We are now a Tax Exempt organization.
May meeting will be held
during the All State Music Conference Friday May 20, 2005, on the Gorham Campus
of the University of Maine. Time
will probably be 6:00 p.m., location is yet to be decided.
As for the Summer Alumni
meeting place; MillerÕs Restaurant has been sold and is being renovated to
include slot machines. I have not
heard yet if there restaurant part will continue or not. Looks like we will be looking for a new
meeting place for the August 2005 meeting.