ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973
Northern Conservatory of Music
Vol. 7 Number 2
July 2005
Friday May 20, 2005
GovernorÕs Restaurant
South Portland, Maine
Alumni in Attendance:
Arnold Poland, Roger Whitney, Steve Orlofsky, Doretta York,
Everett Simpson, & Steve Helstrom
This was a less formal meeting than the annual meeting.
TreasurerÕs Report:
Treasurer Everett Simpson
presented a short TreasurerÕs Report and Membership Count as follows:
Checking balance
CD Reinvested in March ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ 4,480.59
Income this year to date. $65.15
Expenses $10.00
Treasurer requests reimbursement for postage of $15.79
The group voted to reimburse Everett.
Membership Report as of May 20, 2005
19 Life members
3 Paid annual members
Annual renewals are dropping.
2002 Ð 42 members
2003 Ð 32 members
2004 Ð 33 members
Meeting Notes:
Everett officially announced the approval of the 501 (c) 3 as of February 18, 2005.
Arnie asked, "Now that we have the 501 (c) 3 tax free status, what do we need to do next?"
Everett suggests that we create a brochure.
At the annual meeting it was decided that the board of directors would draft a letter that the group could use for soliciting donations. So far the board has not moved on this. President Lou Harper has said he would draft the first copy after we gave him any possible inclusion or exclusions.
Someone suggested that we should not indicate that the donation ÒwouldÓ be tax deductible but it would be okay to say it ÒmayÓ be tax deductible. Things like income and tax status would affect the deductibility of the donation.
Suggested wording: Because of our recent 501 (c) 3 approval, you may be able to use this as a tax deduction.
It was also discussed that we would not take items in lieu of money.
There was discussion about where to hold the annual meeting in August now that MillerÕs Restaurant is closed. Places discussed were, The Coach House, The Weathervane, Momma BaldacciÕs, The Muddy Rudder and Hilton at the Airport. It was also mentioned that maybe a non-food related location could be gotten and then decisions as to food and drink would come following the meeting.
August 2005 Annual
The Annual meeting of the NCM Alumni will be held on Saturday August 13th, 11:00 a.m., at the Weathervane Restaurant, 710 Wilson Street, Brewer. (Bar Harbor Road). Please note that we had agreed to meet at 10:00 a.m. but the Weathervane does not open until 11:00, so we moved the time up 1 hour.
From I-95 take the Brewer Exit (182A or 182b) to I-395. Go to the end of 395, take the left lane back to Brewer (not Bar Harbor). The Weathervane will be on your right a short distance from the exit. If you get to DownEast Toyota, youÕve gone too far.