
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973

Northern Conservatory of Music


Vol.  7  Number 3                      Newsletter                                September 2005



Saturday August 13, 2005

Weathervane Restaurant
 Brewer,  Maine


Alumni in Attendance:


There were 12 members in attendance: Steve Helstrom, Carolyn Edgecomb, Arnie Poland, Cheryl McFadden, Lou Harper, Everett Simpson, Doretta York, Dawn Noonan, Henry Noonan, Jim Shepard, Carol Shepard, Kay Eames


President Lou Harper called meeting to order at 11:20.


SecretaryÕs Report:

Doretta York read the secretaryÕs report Ð it was accepted by the members.


TreasurerÕs Report:

Everett presented the TreasurerÕs Report.

Checking account balance                                             $451.05

            Bal. 1/01/05                             $533.14

            Income this year                     + 91.70

            Expenses                                 -173.79

Balance                                    $451.05


Certificate of Deposit                                                 $4480.59  

16 mo term 3/21/05 Ð 7/21/06 

Annual Percentage yield of 2.05%


Total CD & Checking of                                             $4931.64


Largest Donor  to date $140.16 due to bottle drive 

Reimburse Doretta York, Sec.                                    $16.00  7/12    labels/envelopes         

                                                                                      18.30  7/12    postage


Membership Report:

Member count as by meeting start today 24 members.

19 life members

  5 annual (Tim & Jan Gallant, Everett Simpson, Robert Helstrom and Glenn Richardson.

(Memberships received since the meeting: Diana Mosher, Carol & Jim Shepard, bringing this years paid annual members to 27)

Please, if you are not a life member and have not paid your 2005 membership, please send that in to Everett.  You can find the Membership form at or contact me and I will send you one (or two).


TreasurerÕs Report was accepted by the group.


Elect of Officers:

Bruce Brown sent a nice letter to the officers via email asking that he not be considered for Vice President this year.


Two directors terms are up this year, that of Stan Buchanan and Art Lagassee.


Steve Helstrom and Carolyn Nolette Edgecomb were nominated, seconded and elected to be directors for the term of three years.


Henry nominated Steve for Vice President, Steve graciously accepted the nomination, it was seconded and the attending members voted it so.


Lou asked for a motion to nominate President, Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom said they would gladly give up their seats.  The motion from the floor was to nominate Lou, Everett and Doretta to their current positions.  It was seconded and the member voted it so.

President Ð Lou Harper

Vice-President Ð Robert ÒSteveÓ Helstrom

Treasurer Р Everett Simpson

Secretary Р Doretta York

            Director Ð Steve Helstrom, Carolyn Edgecomb, Arnie Poland, Jerry Burns & Lou Harper


Non-profit news:

Lou penned a draft solicitation letter for the group.  It was a place for us to begin.  In July, that letter was emailed to the officers and the board members for review and markup.  Today we passed that letter around for more review by the attending members. We made a few changes to it today and it was decided that other suggested changes would be send to Doretta.  Those changes will be discussed with the membership via email.



We discussed ideas for what our application should look like.  Steve asked what the stipulations for applications are.  That question was left unanswered. Lou suggested the next step might be wise to get directors to finalize the application.  It was decided that we could review applications from other organizations and use some of their ideas.  Steve will research that on Monday.


Lou said he was thinking that someone in our group might have nominated a student this year but that did not happened.  Steve suggested that maybe an NCM alumnus has a child or grandchild that would be a good first recipient.  The thought was that our first scholarship would be our Òtest runÓ so that we could get the feel of how it is all going to work. Dawn noted that in our old NCM brochure that there were many scholarships listed.  What happened to those?


 It was decided that the BOD would work on getting that first draft application written.


Discussion about new NCM at Husson:

The only issue Lou has with this is with Secretary of State who made us file forms and sent us to Daryl Rhodes for permission to use the NCM name.  Why did we have to do that while they did not have HussonÕs representative Robert Khun ask us to use our name?


Generally it was decided that we believe that we are very much in favor of a quality school of Music Education in Maine was a great idea.  


Open discussion:

It was suggested that we elect a technical person in our group to be in charge of our web presence.  Everyone looked to Arnie who said, ÒOh, all rightÓ.

Arnie nominated himself, Carolyn seconded that and the members voted it so.

Doretta noted that in one of the meetings a few years back, the members had voted to purchase a domain name.  She did not pursue that at that time due to the fact that she had no good place to host the web site. 


Excerpt from Newsletter Volume 4 No 3 notes from Annual Meeting 2002 at MillerÕs Restaurant:  Internet Presence:  There was a very brief discussion of web site and domain name possibilities and a lightening fast motion by Stan Buchanan that Doretta attend to the details of the setting up and maintaining of the official NCM Alumni website and domain registration.  Even quicker still was the vote of acceptance by the members present


Annual meeting 2006:

Saturday Aug. 12, 2006 

Meeting Place TBA Ð Lou will try Isaac Farrar Mansion again but they are usually booked three years in advance.  It was suggested that by this time next year, maybe Husson would a meeting place option.


(See File on Bill Beardsley & Julie Green notes for Husson conversation)