
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973

Northern Conservatory of Music


Vol.  8  Number 2                             Newsletter                                     September 2006



August 12, 2006

Weathervane Restaurant in Brewer, Maine


President Lou Harper called meeting to order at 12:26 P.M.


Alumni and friends in Attendance:

Doretta York, Dawn Noonan, Henry Noonan, Everett Simpson, Ellen McMonagle, Jean Sigler, Lou Harper, Carolyn & Larry Brasslett


The SecretaryÕs Report accepted without reading. (Thank you one and all!!)

TreasurerÕs Report:

The TreasurerÕs report was given by Everett Simpson

1.  Checking Account Bal, 1-01-2006                                     $   926.05



            Donations                                             46.54

            Membership dues                                 60.00                         +  106.54



            List-serve / Email service                      77.94

            Annual Report                                                  60.00                         -   137.94

                                                                                                            $  894.65


2.  Certificate of Deposit Account

            16 month term,  7-31-06 to 11-21-07

              Interest Rate 4.91%, Annual Yield 5.10%                            $4,610.62


3.  Total Account Summary                                                               $5,505.27


Membership Report:

The Membership report was given by Everett Simpson

20 Life members

  3 Annual paid members for 2006

23 Total (See end of report for detail)


TreasurerÕs Report was read and accepted


Membership report was read and accepted (see final page for detail)

New paid members Kathy Powell and Glen Correll



Reviewed director list:

Jerry Burns Ð term ends this year.

Lou Harper Ð term ends in 2007

Arnie Poland Ð term ends in 2007

Robert ÒSteveÓ Helstrom Ð term ends in 2008

Carolyn Nolette Edgecomb Ð term ends in 2008


A motion to re-elect Jerry to another term was made, seconded and voted on.

Jerry was elected to another 3 year term to end in 2009.      


Current Officers

            President Ð Rev. Lou Harper

            Vice President Ð Robert Helstrom

            Treasurer Ð Everett Simpson

            Secretary Ð Doretta York

A motion to keep the present officers was made, seconded and voted on.


Attendance Discussion and 35th Reunion:

We talked about the future of our meetings and what will encourage better attendance.

It was suggested that a change of locations to a more personal setting might help. 

Next year will be the 35th year since NCM closed its doors.  It was decided that we would attempt to have a 35th year reunion instead of just a business meeting.


A committee was formed to work on the Reunion details.  Committee members are Jean Sigler, Dawn Noonan, Carolyn Brasslett and Doretta York.


Jean suggested we divide up our contact list and each write a letter or call our friends and classmates to invite them to come.  We want more than a meeting, we want a social gathering.  LetÕs pull some of our old friends in for a good time. 


We all agreed weÕd love to hear some of the old stories from downeast by Don Saunders.


Jean made a comment worth noting about attendance, ÒGive this coming year our double effort to get people to come and if they donÕt show up then they are telling us somethingÓ.


A motion was made to have the officers and directors determine the date of next years meeting after we get member input and to have the date set by Jan. 1, 2007.  That was seconded and approved the attending members.  Doretta will send out a second notice later this fall, as a reminder to the contact list to have their input in to us by xxx date and time in order for us to get that date set.



Suggestions for ideas on the reunion:

-       People should bring photos, musical instruments and best of all ÒstoriesÓ.  If someone has a great story that they think should be told, they could submit that to us in written form. 

-       We will devise a form for each one on the contact list to fill out and send in that will include questions the committee will come up with.  Things like number of children, grandchildren, where you live and other fun things. 

-       We could create a ÒwhoÕs whoÓ book with stories and info about class members, maybe include some photos.  We could do this in print form or in electronic form and passed to the attendees when they come to the reunion. 

-       If we get some of the photos from members ahead of time to either scan or already in scanned form, we could include those with the ÒwhoÕs whoÓ.


NCM Web Pages:

We discussed Ralph and Liz VoseÕs offer to host our website.  Ralph has generously offered space with FTP access for a few us, so we could update the pages.  Doretta wanted to know if the members still wanted to purchase a domain name to point to that space and it was motioned and voted on to do that.  We will try to acquire


Application for Scholarship:

The first draft of the Application for Scholarship was presented to the group by Lou.  The basic concept is to keep it simple since we arenÕt giving out a lot of money in this first allotment.  There were some suggestions made which Lou will incorporate into the draft and email back to me.  It was decided that I would include that with this newsletter so everyone can see it.


It was decided that this form would be emailed to the schools and not sent via US mail (to save cost).  Maine has a list of all the email addresses of school contacts.  For members that would be interested in having applications sent to schools in their state, they can supply us with similar mailing lists and those can be added.  We will only accept electronic versions of the application so that we can share the application via email with the officers and directors.


Meeting was adjourned 1:23 p.m.


Membership List


Life Members:


Olwen E. Bougher

Carolyn Strout Brasslett

M. Stanley Buchanan

Margaret Seaney Dowdy

Catherine Byther Eames

Carolyn Nolette Edgecomb

Kathryn M. Foley

Jeffrey Gagner

Sherri Gilbert

Louis E. Harper, Jr.

Arthur Lagasse

Linda Smith Nash

Dawn Brooks Noonan

Henry Noonan

Stephen Orlofsky

Arnold Poland

Mary Lanpher Rideout

Jean Haskell Sigler

Earle Stanhope, Jr.

Doretta Judkins York



Annual Members 2006:


Glenn Correll

Katherine Teresa (McHale) Powell

Everett E. Simpson


Total Membership:  23

20 Life

  3 Annual