ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973
Northern Conservatory of Music
Vol. 9 Number 1 Newsletter March 2007
Dear Friends of the Conservatory,
During the forty-four years of its existence the ÒREALÓ Northern Conservatory of Music produced the majority of music educators in Maine. That wonderful little school shaped the professional lives of many of us and created great memories for everyone who attended.
We constantly hear the rumor that people think Òa reunion
would be nice.Ó In order to test
the validity of those rumors we have reserved the banquet room at the COACH
6:00 Ð 9:00 PM for an evening of informal, un-structured, spontaneous surprises and renewed acquaintances !
We will order individually from the menu and enjoy each otherÕs company. Bring a guest (s), your memories, pictures, etc, stay as long as you wish and be a part of something that could become a regular event, depending on interest.
This is a beginning! The place, structure and demand for further gatherings are to be decided based upon the interest shown in July.
We need a minimum of forty (40) acceptances by May 15 or will be forced to cancel the reservation.
This mailing will go to the one hundred names in our files, but we know there are others weÕve not been able to reach. Please help us. Contact a Òlong-lost friend.Ó Be sure your class is represented. Create your own Òreunion groupÓ and join us for what could be the
Òstart of something big.Ó (sorry!!)
Please reply with number of attendees to:
Via email: (this is not the list serve address)
Phone: 207-848-7726
Via US Mail:
Doretta York
771 Hampden Road
Carmel, ME 04419-3511
The committee for the 35 year Northern Conservatory Reunion
Jean Haskell Sigler Carolyn Strout Brasslett
Dawn Brooks Noonan Doretta Judkins York