Symphony House

Have photos or memories to contribute?
Please contact us. We would like to make this a valuable resource for all friends of the Conservatory!

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ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the 1929-1973
Northern Conservatory of Music

35 Year Reunion
July 28, 2007
Coach House Restaurant (SEE MAP BELOW)
Wilson Street, Brewer, Maine
6:00 - 9:00 PM

The webmap link to the coach house is here

The good news is that we have reached the quantity of acceptances that will grant us the room at the Coach House in Brewer on July 28, 2007 for our 35 year NCM Reunion Meeting. There is room for 60 and currently we have 43 that have reserved seats. This is wonderful news! We are now in Full Steam Ahead for July 28th mode.

The planning committee met again May 11th and here are some of the highlights:

- It is our intent that this evening be informal with little structured format other than a welcome message from our President.
- The tables will be arranged by year but seating is not mandatory,
- There will be name tags - some of us have changed in 35 years -just imagine!
- We are looking for memorabilia, photos and anything that will spark conversations.
(NOTE: If you bring photos, etc. please have them bound or clearly marked since we know you will want those back.)

There will be a business meeting of the NCM Alumni Association members starting at 5:00 at the same location. Everyone is welcome to attend whether you are a member or not. This meeting will be the Annual Alumni meeting where we read the minutes, assess our finances, discuss our causes and elect our officers. Please join us!!

Any questions, please contact us:
Via email:
Phone: 207-848-7726
Via US Mail: Doretta York, 771 Hampden Road, Carmel, ME 04419-3511

The committee for the 35 year Northern Conservatory Reunion
Jean Haskell Sigler
Carolyn Strout Brasslett
Dawn Brooks Noonan
Doretta Judkins York

** For those who won't be able to joint us, please write and share with us what you are doing now. We will have your letters at the meeting for all to read.

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