Symphony House

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Faces in 1970's

Banquet for Your A Good Man Charlie Brown with Dick Brado, Doretta Judkins, Dave Sally,
Dave Roberts, and Bill Forbush.

Boothbay Harbor Trip with Charlie Nason, Glen Cunningham, Lou Harper, and Roger Eddy.

Boothbay Trip with Dale Williams.

Charlie Nason, Ralph Cheney, and Glenn Correll.

Dale Williams and Jan Patterson.

Dale Williams.

Dave Roberts.

Dick Brado.

Farewell Concert with Louie Parks, Terri Carver, Sharon Stevens, Kathy Fish, Jan Patterson, and Mary Parsons.

Frank Whitcomb, Terri Carver, and Roger Whitney.

Freshmen 1971.

Freshman 1971.

Glen Correll.

Greg Stephens.

Jan Patterson and Dick Brado.

John Mace.

June Roggenbauer.

Louie Parks and Charlie Nason.

Louie Parks and Kathy Fish.

Louie Parks.

Miss Franco.

Mr. Stanley Cayting and Kathy Fish.

Mr. Mague.

Mr. Mague.

Mr. Simoneau.

Mrs. Mague and Frank Whitcomb.

Jim Shepherd awarding of plaque to Mr. Mague.

Ralph Cheney.

Roger Eddy and Terri Carver.

Roger Whitney.

Roger Whitney.

Stage Band.

Stage Band.

Steve Orlofsky.

Steve Orlofsky.

Terri Carver, Kathy Fish, and Greg Stephens.

Spring Days....Volleyball Game.

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