Symphony House

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Faces of 1961

Rec Room Gang:
L-R: Donna Thomas, Sally Clement, Sandy Brown, ?, Donna Sibley, Jim Lufkin, Hannah Brough.

L to R: Mary Skillings, Bev Higgins, Sandra Brown (Hovey) R.I.P., Hannah Brough, Donna Sibley, and Jim Lufkin

Beethoven's bust duly decorated!

Obviously taken in the basement...
L to R: David Hovey, Helen Silsby Goodwin (faculty), Linton Todd R.I.P., and background: Donna Sibley

L to R: who?, Marge Ingalls? Bev Higgins Lammings, David Hovey, Sally Clement(s) Getchell, and Donna Hodgkins.

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