Symphony House

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On Sunday morning, January 13, my mother passed away. For those of you who stopped by the old house on Route 2 in Palmyra during those years at NCM, she had not changed much at all. In May, she and my Dad moved to Brooklyn, CT to be nearer to us because Alzheimer's Disease had taken away all of my father's abilities to cope with life. My mother was his primary caregiver and he now resides, as planned, at Pierce Memorial Baptist Home next to their apartment complex. As we were in the process of moving him into the nursing home, after my mother keeping him home "for one more Christmas" she contracted a cold. Within 48 hours it became pneumonia and while waiting in the emergency room for a bed upstairs, she died during a nap.

This was a shock to the entire family as my mother had always been the strong, healthy one. A memorial service was held on January 19 with the Celtic folk group Castlebay playing and my nephew Joel Morrissette (son of Larry "Little Moose") playing mandolin. Their music and that of Schooner Fare were my mother's favorites.

She spoke of many of you often, remembering those times we would make "pit stops" in Palmyra to raid the refridgerator on occassion. Bruce, and Everett, spent the most time there, of course. I am sending this on to Aimee because she was so pleased when he was not only my high school band director but our band director at NCM.

Times pass and friends and memories linger. Make the most of the times you have together. I was not able to make the reunion this past summer. I would never regret the time that I took away from possiblities such as that one, to spend with my parents. I hope I am able to set as good an example for my children as they did for me with us spending summers with my grandparents from Ohio both in Maine and on trips there.

Their apartment is nearly cleaned out. Thousands of pictures have surfaced. Those with some of you in them will likely find their way to the web site.


Addendum by Bruce Brown

Dear Lou...I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I have many warm memories of her. She always made me feel welcomed in your home. Your mom and dad are truly wonderful people. One of the high points of my life is when you asked me to play for your ordination (sp?) in Connecticut. There is nothing like a friend to ask another friend to help in the celebration of a great achievement. You my friend have had many great achievements. How you and your wife extended time after time your love and comfort of home to many children who otherwise may have been tossed aside. Everytime I start feeling good about myself, I always come back to earth when I realize how many you have cared for. You've loved, nursed and have giving yourself to others. Probably many conservatory alumni do not know what you've done, but you've helped make this world a better place. After your service when you became ordained, your mom and dad said how proud they were of you. They also thanked me for coming to Conn. to join the celebration. Well I thank you and your parents. My thoughts and prayers are with you...Your old wrinkled friend from Palmyra...Bruce

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