Symphony House

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The Bangor Symphony purchased the Isaac Farrar mansion in 1929. The plan was to use the building to store equipment and as a place to rehearse. They soon realized, however, that more money was need to keep up with costs. Several Symphony members, beginning with Stanly Cayting, Alton Robinson and Francis Shaw, moved in and rented space for their studios.

The decision was made to bring more musicians on board and provide greater structure for the organization. As a result of this, the Northern Conservatory was was born in 1929. The Conservatory continued to serve students and the Bangor community until 1972.

This site is intended to provide a way for former students, staff and other interested people to reconnect and keep memories of the Northern Conservatory of Music alive. This is NOT the official NCM alumni site, but instead a site where folks can share memories freely without censorship.

LATEST UPDATES: August 5, 2012. A new page was added of unseen photos of students and teachers and events of the 1970's. Faces of the 1970's

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click the link at the top to view the guest book. Let us know what you're doing and read the entries of other conservatory

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